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How I Grew My Breasts Naturally

How I Grew My Breasts Naturally in My 30s

TLDR: I drastically changed my lifestyle and dietary habits, accompanied by daily breast massage...for a long long time (4 years with a blank year in between).

If you're the impatient kind, please read the 4 fundamental factors for natural breast growth. In short, these are the areas in my lifestyle and diet that I vastly changed and improved to grow my breasts, in addition to massaging them on a daily basis!

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Today's post will be on how I grew my breasts in my 30s from 32A to 32D all naturally!

The backstory on my small breasts:

How to Increase Breast Size Naturally in Your 30s

Summer 2009, age 29

Left: I don't sit like that anymore, ever!

Right: Surviving by pretty much eating only leaves.

I had a super flat chest for most of my life, despite going through multiple different body shapes and sizes. Therefore, I do not believe that "gaining your weight is the only way to grow your breasts," as when I was the heaviest in my life from loads of extra fat and not muscles, my breasts still remained super flat (but I had a huge beer belly instead!).

My small breasts and I were ridiculed nonstop until I learned to make jokes about my own small chest before anyone did. But in my own time, I searched for "breast augmentation" and did research on breast growth on shared computers without realizing that others can see what I've searched. I would then get laughed at when found and felt even more miserable. In hindsight, I don't know why I hung around with people like that, but that's another story.

Having nonexistent breasts was a serious concern for me, especially in my teen years and most of my 20s. All I could see on the streets were women with breasts...I probably looked at them just as much, if not more, than some boys and men! ...But with glaring, envious eyes.

By the time 30s rolled around, I had gained more confidence in myself inside and out as I was considered quite successful and promising in school, future careers, and my life in general. So my chest size became a negligible issue. I quit making fun of myself, and surprisingly, I never had any more friends who even mentioned about it...maybe the people I hung out changed with my newly-gained confidence in myself.

Then one day, my breasts suddenly grew at age 33:

I noticed my breasts getting squished in my A-cup bra. Since I hadn't really thought about my breast size in many years, I accepted this fact as simple as just that: "Oh, look, did they get bigger? I need to get a bigger bra!"

Then a little later, my curious personality took over my entire being, and I could not stop thinking about this sudden growth!

Why did they not grow when they were supposed to, and all of a sudden out of nowhere, they grew way past my puberty? What did I do? Is it possible to grow them even bigger? (Such is human nature!)

All the questions from the past flooded my mind as well. Why did my mom and I have small breasts when my grandmother and aunt have huge ones? How come there are lucky individuals with big breasts and tiny waists? And the biggest question of all come Asian women are considered to have small breasts in general, but a lot of Asian-American women (except myself!) actually have booooobs!!!!!

From this sudden, unexpected, and ecstatic surprise, I put aside all my school work (quite literally!) to go back to researching on natural breast growth.

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Become the next success story:

Is it possible to increase breast size naturally?

After much research, examining, and contemplating the materials for a long time, I realized that my natural breast growth was due to the drastic lifestyle and dietary changes I made since dating my husband.

I concluded that there are 4 fundamental factors in order to grow breasts naturally: nutrition, blood circulation, hormones, and perseverance (the last one was added on 3/9/2019). Improving these four areas makes it possible to increase breast size naturally, even after puberty, and into your 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond.

My lifestyle and diet pre-bigger breasts:

How I Breast My Breasts Naturally

Drunk-dancing Yumi, age 27:

pre-bigger boobs, pre-iPhone days (though always an Android fan)

My entire college years and about 10+ more years of graduate school until I met my husband, when I was 33, went something like the following in various combinations:

1. Party, party, party...showering in yummy drinks until dawn, which were not yummy anymore when I woke up (after all, I did go to one of the top 10 party schools in the US!!!).

2. Lots of fried bar foods and no substantial meals...because fries, chocolates, beers, and wine were what I craved!

3. No sleep...I was juggling between parties and procrastinated assignments, and I was young.

4. Working out like a maniac or leading a completely sedentary life.

Besides these obvious ones, I basically fit into most these 16 possible reasons why our breasts are small.

Unintentional changes that lead to my breast growth:

How to Increase Breast Size Naturally in Your 30s

March 2013, age 33

Just started salsa dancing, still at an A-cup!

In my early 30s, I hit a bit of a rough patch in my life. So I decided to spruce it up by starting something dancing! And this is where I met my husband!

Between dancing every night for hours and dating my husband, I pretty much stopped drinking. I once ran into a pole while trying to spin drunk, and some other time, my husband ordered an apple cider at a posh bar that I used to frequent on one of our first dates...those 2 incidences completely killed my passion for drinking....

Other tremendous changes I made were:

1. Eating dinner every evening while visiting my husband. (nutrition)

2. Consuming various foods that I used to avoid/hate/didn't care, such as meat, dairy, eggs, beans...and Morning Star veggie burgers, because those were things my husband cooked for me.... (nutrition)

3. Went to bed at an "earlier" time around 1 or 2am (as opposed to 4 or 5am!) to wake up early so I could portray a hard-working, self-motivated doctoral student in my husband's eyes. It worked! (hormones)

4. Dancing salsa for hours in my you know what this does to your butt??? (blood circulation/hormones)

5. I drank a lot of water because my husband drinks an insane amount of water. (blood circulation)

6. Replenishing my body with real food after hours of dancing, with my husband and the dance peeps. (nutrition)

7. MUCH less stress from increased exercise and food intake, and laughing all night long! (hormones/blood circulation)

8. Great night's sleep as a result of less stress and anxiety! (hormones)

Conscious changes after the epiphany that grew my breasts:

Natural Breast Enhancement Success Story in the 30s

Summer 2015, age 35

size 32C

1. Ate well-balanced meals high in protein, 2-3 times a day with 1-2 healthy snacks.

2. Drank more water.

3. Slept 7-8 hours on most days.

4. Exercised regularly (mostly dancing and weight training).

5. Massaged breasts almost every day.

Looking back after my natural breast growth in the 30s:

I was shocked to realize that my breasts never grew as a result of the unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle I was leading for most of my life up to this.

There are various things I have tried and failed through my breast growth journey, but every experience through it was a process of learning about who I am, what I'm capable of achieving, and what one must go through to reach his/her goals.

Many may view those who wish for bigger breasts as superficial and shallow-minded individuals. However, upon the realization that the underdevelopment of one's breasts is often times due to unawareness of self-neglect in disguise, it becomes hardly a shallow or a trivial matter.

This, is how I grew my breasts naturally.

Natural Breast Enhancement Success Story in the 30s

Christmas Day 2018, age 39

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